Test the system

  1. Test Receivers.
    1. View Receiver and beltpack Coordinates

      This brings up a live window which is primarily useful to the Autopilot engineering staff, but does allow a view of beltpack position. Moving the beltpacks will bring a change in coordinates for each of the beltpacks. If a beltpack is brought to where the original BP1 position was during Receiver Calibrate the window should read 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 for that beltpack.

    2. 2D View

      Look at the 2D view to see if the positions of the receivers are reasonable. This is a live screen which updates approximately every 3 seconds and will give the relative position of the beltpacks.

    3. 3D View

      The 3D viewer shows the relative positions of the receivers, the lights, and the beltpacks. It has the following navigation controls, right and left arrow keys to rotate around the center of the picture, up and down arrows to see the stage from a higher or lower perspective, and + and - or "i" (in) and "o" (out) keys to dolly in or out.

      This is a live screen which updates approximately every 3 seconds and will give the changing positions of the beltpacks.

    4. Receiver Signal View

      This screen shows in real time the quality of the signal from each beltpack at each receiver. These should be mostly green and yellow for all positions of beltpacks in the operating area.

  2. Test lights
  3. Test Lights operates without any DMX input and without taking the zones into account. To see the effect of zones, Test zones is the screen to use.

    1. Select Beltpack

      This pull down box allows you to select any beltpack, one at a time.

    2. Select Light

      This pull down box allows you to select any light, one at a time, or all lights at once. When all lights are selected, the quality of the calibration can be judged by the tightness of the grouping of the lights.

    3. Track Beltpack On/Off

      Turns the beltpack tracking on or off.

    4. Point Lights at Center Stage On/Off

      This will point the selected lights at a fixed point on the stage. This is useful to judge the accuracy of the light calibration. A tighter grouping means the calibration was more accurate.

  4. Test Zones
    1. Track Beltpack On/Off

      Just as it says.

    2. Select Beltpack

      This pull down box allows you to select any beltpack, one at a time.

    3. Select Light

      This pull down box allows you to select any light, one at a time, or all lights at once.

    4. Select Zone

      This pull down box allows you to select any zone, one at a time, or the operating boundary.

    5. Trace Zones On/Off

      One of the most useful functions in test zones. Usually used with one light, this will trace the outline the selected zone. This gives you a representation of where the system thinks you have placed the zone.

  5. Test Run
  6. In this screen, the lighting system can be operated with Autopilot II without the console. All zones are in effect, and the operating boundary is also used. Beltpack height offset is controlled from the PC. Keep in mind, however, the console is needed for color, dimmer, gobos, etc.

    1. Select Beltpack

      This pull down box allows you to select any beltpack, one at a time.

    2. Select Light

      This pull down box allows you to select any light, one at a time, or all lights at once.

    3. Test Run On/Off

      Runs the system without benefit or interference from the console. This tests the beltpacks, one at at time, and all the zones and boundaries and the lights.