Edit Light models

Table of contents:









A light model is a file that contains data characterizing a light. It allows Autopilot to understand some physical properties of a light as well as its DMX channel assignments. This enables Autopilot to control the light and aim it. Light models for Autopilot II are stored on the PC as .XML files. Each light model is stored in one XML file. An XML file is an ASCII file but can be conveniently and graphically edited using an XML editor. This document will instruct you on how to create a light model for Autopilot II using an XML editor. In this example, the editor used is XMLspy. It is available at www.xmlspy.com.


This procedure is not for the faint of heart. To create a light model that will allow Autopilot to control the light's iris and focus in autoiris mode you should have a working knowledge of linear graphs. You should know how to setup and run Autopilot II. Also, it is possible to create an illegally formatted XML model file which will cause unpredictable results if run on Autopilot. All fields in the XML file must remain in the file even if the light does not use the field (unless specifically directed otherwise).

Equipment Needed


  1. Download the file APModelTemplate.xml from the Wybron website.

  2. Make a note of where the file was saved.


    1. Start the XML Spy editor on your computer

    2. In the editor, open the file APIIModelTemplate.xml from where you saved it.

    3. Maximize the size of the APIIModelTemplate file window.

    4. Close out all three sub boxes on the right hand side of the screen and the two boxes on the left hand side.

    5. The screen should look like this.

    6. Select from the pulldown menus "File", "Save As"

    7. Enter a file name with no spaces and composed of the manufacturer name followed by the light name. The filename MUST be no longer than 30 characters. Enter as much information in this space as is needed to uniquely identify the light. If the light is to be run in a certain mode then include the mode name or number in the light name. Some examples of filenames are: "HighEndCyberlight", "CoemarCF7HE630pan", "ClaypakyGoldenscanHPE". Do not add the ".xml" suffex to the filename. It will be added automatically.

    8. Save the file.

    9. In the XML editor click on the down arrow to the Left of "Moving_Light_Model" to expand the data.

    10. Click on the down arrow to the Left of "Basic_Light_Model_Info" to expand the data.

    11. XML files have field names and field values. You will normally be editing the field values. When instructed, you may also sometimes delete entire field lines. This must be done with great care so as not to delete what is needed or rename any fields. When entering "Yes" or "No" for any field you must get the upper/lower case of the letters correct. To edit a field value simply double click in the box. If you only single click and press delete it will remove the entire line. This is usually not desired. If you make a mistake you can type control Z to undo it.

    12. Change the value in the Name field to the name you selected above for the file, but put spaces between words in this name as long as the name still does not exceed 30 characters.

    13. For the Manufacturer field enter the manufacturer's name.

    14. Since this is the first time a model has been created for this light, leave the Version and Revision fields as 1 and 0 respectively. This equates to version "1.0". The version and revision fields have a valid range of 0-15 each.

    15. For Number_Of_Channels enter the total number of channels the light uses (for the mode you are using).

    16. For Number_Of_Mirrors enter 0 if it is a yoke light, 1 if it is a mirror light with one mirror or 2 if it has two mirrors.

    17. For Distance_Between_Mirrors enter the distance between mirrors if the light has two mirrors. This number is in feet in decimal form.

    18. Click on the down arrow to the left of Rigid_Channel_Assignment.

    19. If the light can be addressed to any address then these fields should remain as "No", "0", and "0".

    20. If the light can only be addressed to certain addresses (like the Cyberlight for example) then change the "No" to a "Yes". Set the Channel_Multiplier field to the interval between valid DMX starting addresses. For example, a Cyberlight can be addressed to addresses 1,21,41,61. The Channel_Multiplier for the Cyberlight is 20. For the Channel_Offset field enter the first valid DMX address for the light. For the Cyberlight this is 1.

    21. All other fields will remain as they are for now.

    22. Save the file at this point so that you can return to this state if you make a mistake in the next section.

    23. Click on the up arrow to the left of Basic_Light_Model_Info to collapse the section.


    1. Expand Light_Channel_Definitions as shown.

    2. You should see 30 Channel_Definition lines. Each of these lines will define a default value and a name for the channel. The default values are used to control the light during Autopilot light calibration. The names are used by the Autopilot PC program in the DMX map window.

    3. You will delete Channel_Definition lines at the bottom of this list until you have as many Channel_Definition lines as there are channels in the light. To delete a Channel_Definition line point and click once on the first yellow channel number that the light does not use. Then press the Delete button on the keyboard one or more times to delete all the channels that are not used by the light.

    4. If you delete too many lines the easiest way to fix it is to type one or more ctrl Z's. Otherwise, close the file without saving and reopen it to return to the previous state.

    5. Change the Name field of each channel (in the right hand column) to the name of that channel as defined in the light's users manual. The first four channels have default names already entered. If these are not correct then change them. There is no defined limit for how long these channel names can be.

    6. In order for AP to perform auto or manual light calibration it must put the light into a known state. This state is: full intensity, color white, no effects, smallest iris, speed channel at full speed, shutter open, zoom to circle no smaller than 1 foot across. Enter numbers in the Setup_DMX_Value field for each channel that will put the light into this state. Enter numbers between 0 and 255. You do not need to enter default values for pan and tilt.

    7. Click on the up arrow to the left of Light_Channel_Definitions to collapse this section.


    1. Expand Light_Specific_Information and Pan_Information as shown.

    2. In the First_Channel field enter the channel number that the pan channel starts on. This is the same channel number that was entered earlier in the Light_channel_Definitions table. If the light only has one pan channel then that channel is entered here. If the light has two channels for pan then the first pan channel (high order byte) is entered here.

    3. If the light has two channels for pan AND the two channels are not right next to each other then enter the second channel number for pan in the Second_Channel field. If this is the case also enter an 8 for the Control_Scheme_Type field.

    4. Otherwise, enter a number for Control_Scheme_Type that defines the data format for the pan channel. Valid values are:

      0 = 16 bit, two channels that are adjacent

      1 = 8 bit, one channel

      3= 14 bit, two adjacent pan channels, lower 7 bits used in each channel, like Cyberlight

      4= 14 bit, two adjacent pan channels, upper 7 bits used in each channel

      5 = 7 bit, one channel

      7 = 12 bit, 2 channels with lower 4 bits in lower channel not used

    5. For the Limit_High field enter the highest number that can be stored by the number of data bits available for the pan channel. This number is mathematically determined by the formula (2 ** number_of_bits). For example:

      8 bit pan control = limit high of 255

      14 bit pan control = limit high of 16384

      16 bit pan control = limit high of 65535

    6. Record the pan Limit_High number here also.

      LimitHigh = ____________ DMX

    7. Leave Light_Has_Pan as "Yes"

    8. Leave Limit_Low = 0

    9. Leave X_Intercept = 00.00

    10. In the light's users manual find the specification of the lights total pan travel from limit to limit. If the users manual does not specify the total pan travel then you can roughly estimate this number yourself for now. Enter this number below as PanTravel.

      PanTravel = ___________ degrees

    11. The Slope field characterizes how far the light will move in pan for a given change in DMX. It is in units of DMX/radians. This number can be found as follows.

      Slope = (LimitHigh / PanTravel) * 57.3

      Slope = ____________ DMX/radians

    12. Determine if the Slope should be negative.

      • Using your DMX source shine the light on the stage. Set the pan and tilt channels to their midpoints.

      • Raise the DMX value of the pan coarse channel and observe which direction the light beam travels as viewed from behind the light looking toward the stage.

      • If the light beam travels to the right then the pan Slope should remain positive. If the beam travels to the left then put minus sign in front of the Slope number.

    13. Enter the slope number in the pan Slope field. Four significant digits are enough precision.

    14. Leave the pan information expanded


    1. Expand all the tilt information

    2. In the First_Channel field enter the channel number that the tilt channel starts on. This is the same channel number that was entered earlier in the Light_channel_Definitions table. If the light only has one tilt channel then that channel is entered here. If the light has two channels for tilt then the first tilt channel (high order byte) is entered here.

    3. If the light has two channels for tilt AND the two channels are not right next to each other then enter the second channel number for tilt in the Second_Channel field. If this is the case also enter an 8 for the Control_Scheme_Type field.

    4. Otherwise, enter a number for Control_Scheme_Type that defines the data format for the tilt channel. This number should be the same as that used for the pan channel. Valid values are:

      0 = 16 bit, two channels that are adjacent

      1 = 8 bit, one channel

      3= 14 bit, two adjacent pan channels, lower 7 bits used in each channel, like cyberlight

      4= 14 bit, two adjacent pan channels, upper 7 bits used in each channel

      5 = 7 bit, one channel

      7 = 12 bit, 2 channels with lower 4 bits in lower channel not used

    5. For the Limit_High field enter the highest number that can be stored by the number of data bits available for the pan channel. This number should be the same as that used for the pan channel. For example:

      8 bit pan control = limit high of 255

      14 bit pan control = limit high of 16384

      16 bit pan control = limit high of 65535

    6. Record the tilt Limit_High number here also.

      LimitHigh = ____________ DMX

    7. Leave Light_Has_Tilt as "Yes"

    8. Leave Limit_Low = 0

    9. Leave X_Intercept = 00.00

    10. In the light's users manual find the specification of the lights total tilt travel from limit to limit. If the users manual does not specify the total tilt travel then you can roughly estimate this number yourself for now. Enter this number below as TiltTravel.

      TiltTravel = ___________ degrees

    11. The Slope field is in units of DMX/radians. This number can be found as follows.

      Slope = (LimitHigh / TiltTravel) * 57.3

      Slope = ____________ DMX/radians

    12. Determine if the Slope should be negative.

      • Using your DMX source shine the light on the stage. Set the pan and tilt channels to their midpoints.

      • Raise the DMX value of the tilt coarse channel and observe which direction the light beam travels.

      • If the light beam travels away from the light then the tilt Slope should remain positive. If the beam travels towards the light then put a minus sign in front of the tilt Slope number.

    13. Enter the tilt Slope number in the Slope field

    14. Collapse all pan and tilt information.


    1. Expand Shutter_Information as shown

    2. If the light has a shutter leave the Light_Has_Shutter field as "Yes".

    3. If the light does not have a shutter then change this field to "No", leave the other fields as they are, collapse all shutter information and go on to DIMMER CHANNEL.

    4. Otherwise, for Channel_Number enter the DMX channel of the shutter.

    5. For Open_Value enter the DMX value required for the shutter to be open.

    6. For Closed_Value enter the DMX value required for the shutter to be closed.

    7. Collapse all shutter information.


    1. Expand Dimmer_Information as shown

    2. If the light does not have a dimmer channel then enter "No" for the Light_Has_Dimmer field, collapse all Dimmer information and Proceed to IRIS CHANNEL.

    3. Otherwise, for First_Channel enter the DMX channel of the dimmer.

    4. Leave Second_Channel as it is.

    5. Leave Control_Scheme_Type as 1 as long as the dimmer uses only one channel. Otherwise the control scheme type uses the same numbers used by the pan and tilt channels.

    6. Leave X_Intercept as 0

    7. Leave Slope as 1.0

    8. Set Limit_High to the DMX value for full intensity.

    9. Set Limit_Low for the DMX value for zero intensity.

    10. Collapse all dimmer information


    1. Now that pan, tilt, dimmer and shutter are done the model will be tested for pan and tilt. You will then be able to calibrate the light in Autopilot to find its location. The location information can help in future iris and focus steps.

    2. Save the XML file. You do not have to exit the XML editor.

    3. In Autopilot select the tabs "System Setup", "Files", "Upgrade Autopilot II".

    4. Click on Install new light model.

    5. Select your new light model XML file from the directory where you saved it.

    6. In Autopilot perform a receiver calibration if you haven't already.

    7. Go to the configure lights screen and add your new light.

    8. Enter the correct DMX starting address for the light.

    9. Enter a dead zone of 0 in the advanced options.

    10. Go to the manual light calibration screen.

    11. Enter manual cal for the light.

    12. Verify that the up key brings the light up in tilt. If it does not then the sign of the Slope field for tilt is reversed.

    13. Verify that the right arrow key moves the light beam to the right as viewed from behind the light. If it moves left then the sign of the Slope field for pan is reversed.

    14. If either pan or tilt Slope fields were changed due to the wrong sign, then save the model file with the new Slope signs and reload the light model again.

    15. Perform a manual light cal on the light to locate it.

    16. Go to the test lights screen and make only the new light track a beltpack.

    17. The light should at least very roughly track the beltpack (within 10 feet). If it does not then either the manual light cal was not performed correctly or else there is something significantly wrong with the pan and tilt Slope numbers in the light model. The light must roughly track the beltpack for you to proceed.

    18. To test the tilt slope field entered in the light model, first hold the beltpack in your hand (with the element facing up) directly under the light.

    19. Observe where the beltpack element shadow is positioned relative to the center of the spot circle.

    20. Walk the beltpack away from the light so that the light will only move in tilt.

    21. Observe where the beltpack is positioned with the spot circle again. If the spot on the floor is too large to easily see the relative beltpack position and the light has an iris then use run mode instead of test run mode and make the iris smaller from the DMX source.

    22. If the spot has moved more in tilt relative to the beltpack at the second position then the tilt Slope in the light model is too large of a number (whether it is positive or negative).

    23. If the spot has not moved in tilt enough to keep up with the beltpacks relative position then the tilt slope is too small.

    24. If the tilt Slope field needs to be modified then you will have to correct it by trial and error. Record the tilt Slope number used in the model and note if it was too small or too large.

      Tilt Slope Too large/small Pan Slope Too large/small

      _________ _____________ _________ _____________

      _________ _____________ _________ _____________

      _________ _____________ _________ _____________

      _________ _____________ _________ _____________

      _________ _____________ _________ _____________

    25. Make a guess at a new tilt Slope number. Write it in the table above and enter it in the light model. Keep track of what numbers you try and whether they end up being to large or too small.

    26. Before you reload the light model and try again you should also test pan. Good pan and tilt Slope numbers will result in a light that is more accurately located, which results in better testing of pan and tilt Slope.

    27. To test pan you will walk the beltpack in an arc around the front side of the light maintaining a constant distance from the light. You should be about as far away from underneath the light as the light is elevated above the floor. First stand in position A as illustrated.

    28. Note where the beltpack is relative to the center of the spot.

    29. Walk in an arc as shown to position B.

    30. Note where the beltpack is relative to the center of the spot. If the beltpack looks like it is in the same relative position in the spot then continue to position C.

    31. If the spot advanced further around the arc than the beltpack (if it moved too far ahead) then the pan Slope number is too large.

    32. If the spot did not keep up with the beltpack's position then the pan Slope is too small of a number.

    33. Record the pan Slope number from the model and note if it was too small or too large.

    34. Make a guess at a new pan Slope number and enter it in the light model. Keep track of what numbers you try and whether they end up being to large or too small.

    35. Save the light model.

    36. Load the light model into Autopilot again.

    37. Reset the lights calibration and manually calibrate it again.

    38. Test the light as before in pan and tilt. Repeat this process until the light can track the beltpack well in pan and tilt. If the light is tracking well in pan it should be able to stay centered in the beltpack when you walk all the way around to position C.


    Linear lead is a measure of the delay time of a light in seconds. It is equal to the time between Autopilot sending new DMX pan/tilt values and the light actually reaching that pan/tilt position. This time delay applies to the beltpack and light while they are in motion. It is important to determine linear lead before you spend time working on the iris and focus channels. Performing this section will verify that the light will ultimately work with Autopilot.

    1. Track a beltpack with the light using the test lights or run screen.

    2. Walk the beltpack at a constant quick pace and observe how far the light stays behind the beltpack.

    3. In the model file expand Basic_Light_Model_Info as shown.

    4. The default Linear_Lead in the model is 0.05 seconds. If the light is not keeping up with the beltpack then increase the number. This number has been as high as 0.4 for some lights. Each time you change linear lead in the model file you will need to save the file and re-install the light model into Autopilot. You do not have to re-calibrate the light.

    5. If the Linear_Lead number gets too high then the Autopilot tracking of the light will exhibit too much overshoot when the beltpack comes to rest. In this case you will lower the Linear_Lead. One very good way to test Linear_Lead is to hang the beltpack from a string tied to the ceiling or truss and swing the beltpack back and forth. You will need to select a Linear_Lead number that is a compromise between overshoot (too high a number) and the spot not keeping up with the beltpack (too low a number). If the light accelerates very slowly and cannot keep up with the beltpack (even if a high Linear_Lead number is used) then the light will not work with Autopilot. There have been lights in Autopilot I history that this has been true of.


    When autoiris is turned on for a light from the PC, Autopilot II will keep the spot diameter constant (via iris) independent of the performers distance from the light. If you want Autopilot to be able to control the iris channel during autoiris operation of your new light (and if there is an iris) then go to the section IRIS CHANNEL CONTROLLED. Otherwise continue below. Determining calibration parameters in this procedure for controlling iris and focus are the most difficult parts of this procedure.


    1. Expand Iris_Information.

    2. Expand Iris_Parameter_List.

    3. Expand Behavior_Curve_Table.

    4. Expand Point(10).

    5. Delete all 10 folder icons under Point by clicking on the yellow numbers and pressing the delete key.

    6. For Light_Has_Iris field enter "No".

    7. The light model should look now like this:

    8. Collapse all iris information and go to FOCUS CHANNEL.


    1. Expand Iris_Information.

    2. Expand Iris_Parameter_List.

    3. Expand Behavior_Curve_Table and Point(10).

    4. For Light_Has_Iris enter "Yes"

    5. For First_Channel enter the channel number of the iris.

    6. For Control_Scheme_Type leave as a 1 if the iris is controlled by one channel.

    7. For Limit_High enter the highest DMX value that can be used for a constant iris (usually 255 unless there are iris effects)

    8. For Limit_Low enter the lowest DMX value that can be used for a constant iris.

    9. Using a DMX source, shine the light at a spot on the floor directly below the light.

    10. Set the DMX source to create the smallest iris possible.

    11. If the light has a zoom channel set it to a mid zoom value.

    12. Focus the light.

    13. Measure the distance between the light and the spot on the floor. For a mirror light this is the distance from the center of the mirror to the floor. For a yoke light it is the distance from the center of tilt rotation to the floor. The decimal feet tape measure has different units on each side. One side is marked with feet and inches (12 per foot) and the other side is marked in feet, 10ths of feet and 100ths of feet. Use the side with 10ths and 100ths.

      Height = __________ feet

    14. Record the DMX value used to create the smallest iris:

      DMXsmall = __________

    15. Measure the diameter of the focused spot on the floor.

      Diam_small = __________ feet

    16. Compute beam ratio which is the diameter of the spot divided by the distance of the spot to the light. Record at least 3 significant digits in this number.

      BeamRatioSmall = Diam_small / Height

      BeamRatioSmall = ____________

    17. Set the DMX source to create a spot diameter which looks roughly half way between the smallest diameter and the largest possible.

    18. Record the DMX value for this middle position

      DMXmiddle = __________

    19. Focus the light again. If focusing the light significantly changes the size of the spot on the floor then Autopilot will not be able to control the iris. In this case go back to IRIS CHANNEL NOT CONTROLLED. A small change in spot size is normal.

    20. Measure the diameter of the spot on the floor.

      Diam_middle = __________ feet

    21. Compute beam ratio for this middle position.

      BeamRatioMiddle = Diam_middle / Height

      BeamRatioMiddle = ____________

    22. Set the DMX source to create the largest spot diameter possible and focus the light.

    23. Record the DMX value for this large position

      DMXlarge = __________

    24. Measure the diameter of the spot on the floor.

      Diam_large = __________ feet

    25. Compute beam ratio for this large position.

      BeamRatioLarge = Diam_large / Height

      BeamRatioLarge = ____________

    26. To help avoid errors re-write all the numbers below.

      DMXsmall = __________ BeamRatioSmall = ____________

      DMXmiddle = __________ BeamRatioMiddle = ____________

      DMXlarge = __________ BeamRatioLarge = ____________

    27. Using a piece of graph paper plot out the three point pairs of DMX and BeamRatio values. Put the DMX values on the Y axis with a range of 0 to 255 on the chart. Put the beam ratio values on the X axis with a graph origin of 0 (see figure).

    28. Draw two lines with a ruler to connect the three points. The graph may look something like this. The graph will show a line descending instead of ascending if the iris is smallest at a larger DMX.

    29. If the two lines could be fairly closely drawn with one continuous line then the behavior of the iris will be considered linear. The behavior curve table will not be used. If the three points can not closely fit in one line then the behavior is non-linear. The chart shown is just bad enough to treat the iris as non-linear. Proceed to one of the two following sections.


    1. Delete all 10 folder icons under the iris Behavior_Curve_Table by clicking on the yellow numbers and pressing the delete key.

    2. Determine the slope of the iris behavior line as follows.

      Slope = (DMXlarge - DMXsmall) / (BeamRatioLarge - BeamRatioSmall)

      Slope = ____________

    3. Enter Slope in the light model

    4. Record X_Intercept, which is the beam ratio number when DMX = 0. If this number can not be taken directly from the data then you can calculate it by using the following formula.

      X_Intercept = BeamRatioSmall - (DMXsmall / Slope)

      X_Intercept = _____________ - (_________ / _________)

      X_Intercept = _____________

    5. Enter X_ Intercept in the light model.

    6. For Limit_High enter the highest DMX value used above for iris.

    7. Collapse all iris information in the model.

    8. Proceed to FOCUS CHANNEL


    1. Take at least two more data points for iris. Choose DMX numbers that lie midway between the three numbers already used. Measure the spot diameters and compute beam gain.

      DMXsmallmiddle = ___________

      Diam_smallmiddle = __________ feet

      BeamRatioSmallMiddle = Diam_smallmiddle / Height = ___________

      DMXlargemiddle = ___________

      Diam_largemiddle = __________ feet

      BeamRatioLargeMiddle = Diam_largemiddle / Height = ___________

    2. In order to help avoid errors, enter all five points below in ascending DMX order.

      DMXsmall = ___________ BeamRatioSmall = ___________

      DMXsmallmiddle = ___________ BeamRatioSmallMiddle = ___________

      DMXmiddle = ___________ BeamRatioMiddle = ___________

      DMXlargemiddle = ___________ BeamRatioLargeMiddle = ___________

      DMXlarge = ___________ BeamRatioLarge = ___________

    3. Review the above data and verify that

      • the DMX values increase through the chart and that
      • the beam ratio values are in numerical order (ascending or descending).

    4. Plot these extra two points on your iris chart and draw new lines between all points. If the data collected is good there should be a smoother chart drawn than you had with only 3 points. The chart might look something like this.

    5. In the iris Behavior_Curve_Table in the light model delete five of the file icons (or however many points you will not be using).

    6. Expand all the points in the model

    7. For the first point:

      For DMX_Value field enter the value of DMXsmall.

      For Value field enter the value of BeamRatioSmall

    8. Continue entering point pair values for the remaining four points.

    9. Collapse all iris information in the model.


    If you want Autopilot to control the focus channel during autoiris operation (if there is a focus channel) then go to the section FOCUS CHANNEL CONTROLLED. Otherwise continue below.


    1. Expand Focus_Information.

    2. Expand Focus_Parameter_List.

    3. Expand Behavior_Curve_Table.

    4. Expand Point(10).

    5. Delete all 10 folder icons under Behavior_Curve_Table by clicking on the yellow numbers and pressing the delete key.

    6. Leave Light_Has_Focus as "No".

    7. Collapse all focus information. Proceed to TEST IRIS CHANNEL.


    1. Expand Focus_Information and Focus_Parameter_List.

    2. Expand Behavior_Curve_Table.

    3. Expand Point(10).

    4. For Light_Has_Focus enter "Yes".

    5. For First_Channel enter the focus channel number.

    6. For Control_Scheme_Type leave as a 1 if the focus is controlled by one channel.

    7. Point the light straight down.

    8. Set a mid sized iris.

    9. Focus the spot.

    10. Record the DMX focus value for this distance.

      DMXPointA = ________

    11. For this procedure it may be helpful to have a small DMX source that can be hand carried to the spot on the floor so that focus can be done acurately.

    12. Set the light to the smallest iris possible. If the light does not go out of focus when the iris size changes then leave the iris small. Otherwise return the iris to a mid size.

    13. Mark the center of the spot on the floor with a small piece of tape. Label it point A.

    14. Record the height of the spot. This was determined earlier in the IRIS CHANNEL section as Height.

      Height = _________ feet.

    15. Record the distance from the light to the spot (same as Height).

      DistPointA = ________ feet

    16. Tilt the light up about 30 degrees from its pointing down position.

    17. Focus the light again. Make at least the sides of the spot on the floor be in focus.

    18. Record the DMX focus value for this distance.

      DMXPointB = ________

    19. Mark with a piece of tape the center of the spot on the floor. Label it point B.

    20. Measure the distance from point A to point B.

      DistAB = __________ feet.

    21. Determine the distance from the light to the spot. This can be done with the following formula.

      DistPointB = square_root( (Height * Height) + (DistAB * DistAB) )

      DistPointB = _________ feet

    22. Tilt the light up about 50 degrees from its pointing down position.

    23. Focus the light again.

    24. Record the DMX focus value for this distance.

      DMXPointC = ________

    25. Mark with a piece of tape the center of the spot on the floor. Label it point C.

    26. Measure the distance from point A to point C.

      DistAC = __________ feet.

    27. Determine the distance from the light to the spot.

      DistPointC = square_root( (Height * Height) + (DistAC * DistAC) )

      DistPointC = _________ feet

    28. Tilt the light up about 90 degrees so that it is pointing horizontally. If you have a mirror light and it cannot tilt up that far then use the pan channel to point the light sideways. Point the light to a wall that is as far away from the light as possible. This should preferably be 50 feet or more.

    29. Focus the light again.

    30. Record the DMX focus value for this distance.

      DMXPointD = ________

    31. Measure or estimate the distance from the light to the spot. Having this distance accurately measured is not critical. If your distance is less than 60 feet then enter 60 here.

      DistPointD = _________ feet

    32. Plot these four point pairs on graph paper. Put DMX values on the y axis with a range of 0-255. Put distance on the x axis using an origin of zero feet.

    33. Draw three lines with a ruler connecting the 4 points.

    34. If the three lines could be fairly closely drawn with one continuous line then the behavior of the focus will be considered linear. The behavior curve table will not be used. If the four points can not easily fit in one line then the behavior is non-linear. Proceed to one of the two following sections.


    1. Delete all 10 folder icons under Behavior_Curve_Table by clicking on the yellow numbers and pressing the delete key.

    2. Determine the slope of the line as follows.

      Slope = (DMXpointD - DMXpointA) / (DistPointD - DistPointA)

      Slope = ____________

    3. Enter Slope in the light model

    4. Compute X_Intercept which is the distance when DMX = 0.

      X_Intercept = DistPointA - (DMXpointA / Slope)

      X_Intercept = _____________ - (_________ / _________)

      X_Intercept = _____________

    5. Enter X_ Intercept in the light model.

    6. For Limit_High enter the highest DMX value used above for focus.

    7. Collapse all focus information in the model. Proceed to TEST IRIS CHANNEL.


    1. In order to help avoid errors, enter the DMX values and distances in feet for all four points.

      DMXpointA = ___________ DistPointA = ___________

      DMXpointB = ___________ DistPointB = ___________

      DMXpointC = ___________ DistPointC = ___________

      DMXpointD = ___________ DistPointD = ___________

    2. Review the above data and verify that the distance values increase through the chart and that the DMX values are in numerical order (ascending or descending).

    3. In the Behavior_Curve_Table in the light model delete six of the file icons (or however many points you will not be using).

    4. Expand all the points in the model

    5. For the first point:

      Enter for DMX_Value the value of DMXpointA.

      Enter for Value the value of DistPointA

    6. Continue entering point pair values for the remaining three points.

    7. Collapse all focus information in the model.


    1. This is intended to be done after the focus channel is finished (if it was done at all).

    2. Save the XML file.

    3. Load the light model again in Autopilot. You should not have to re-calibrate the light if it was done well last time.

    4. In the configure light screen click on Advanced and set autoiris on.

    5. Go to the run screen and click on run.

    6. With your DMX source set the control channel for the light to point to a beltpack.

    7. Place the beltpack on the floor directly under the light.

    8. From the DMX source set the iris channel to full (255).

    9. Slowly bring the iris channel down in value until you see the iris just beginning to get smaller.

    10. From the DMX source focus the light.

    11. Measure the diameter of the spot on the floor.

      Spot_width_A = ___________ feet

    12. Move the beltpack away from the light so that the light is pointing out at about 45 degrees.

    13. This point will be considered point B. If the spot is not in focus then focus it from the DMX source.

    14. Measure the width of the spot on the floor.

      Spot_width_B = ___________ feet

    15. If Spot_width_A and Spot_width_B are about the same then the iris channel is correct in the model. Proceed to FOCUS CHANNEL.

    16. If Spot_width_B is larger than A then you need to verify that this is not caused by having moved the spot so far from the light that Autopilot has no more iris to close down. To verify this go to the DMX source and lower the value on the iris channel. If the spot size at point B gets smaller then the iris limit was not hit by Autopilot. Proceed to the next step. If the spot size can not get any smaller then point B was too far from the light. Go back to step 7 to redo point A and use a closer point for B.

    17. Depending on whether you considered the iris channel linear or non-linear proceed to one of the two following sections.


    1. If Spot_width_B is larger than Spot_width_A then the iris Slope in the model is too large of a number. If Spot_width_B is smaller than Spot_width_A then the Slope is too small of a number. Record below the Slope number used in the model and which width was larger and by how much.

      Iris Slope / Width A or B larger?

      _________ ________________

      _________ ________________

      _________ ________________

      _________ ________________

    2. Guess a new Slope number. For at least your first guess you can use the following formula.

      New_Slope = Old_Slope * (Spot_width_A / Spot_width_B)

      New_Slope = ________ * (___________ / ___________)

      New_Slope = ________

    3. Write the new slope guess in the table and put it in the file.

    4. Save the file and reinstall the light model in Autopilot.

    5. Go back to step 6 in the previous section and repeat these steps until Autopilot can keep the iris size constant.

    6. Proceed to SPEED AND ZOOM CHANNELS.


    If Autoiris is not working well at this point then you don't have very good options left. Here are some.


    Autopilot II does not control either of these channels currently.

    This concludes this Document.