A light model is a file that contains data characterizing a light. It allows Autopilot to understand some physical properties of a light as well as its DMX channel assignments. This enables Autopilot to control the light and aim it. Light models for Autopilot II are stored on the PC as .XML files. Each light model is stored in one XML file. An XML file is an ASCII file but can be conveniently and graphically edited using an XML editor. This document will instruct you on how to create a light model for Autopilot II using an XML editor. In this example, the editor used is XMLspy. It is available at
This procedure is not for the faint of heart. To create a light model that will allow Autopilot to control the light's iris and focus in autoiris mode you should have a working knowledge of linear graphs. You should know how to setup and run Autopilot II. Also, it is possible to create an illegally formatted XML model file which will cause unpredictable results if run on Autopilot. All fields in the XML file must remain in the file even if the light does not use the field (unless specifically directed otherwise).
0 = 16 bit, two channels that are adjacent
1 = 8 bit, one channel
3= 14 bit, two adjacent pan channels, lower 7 bits used in each channel, like Cyberlight
4= 14 bit, two adjacent pan channels, upper 7 bits used in each channel
5 = 7 bit, one channel
7 = 12 bit, 2 channels with lower 4 bits in lower channel not used
8 bit pan control = limit high of 255
14 bit pan control = limit high of 16384
16 bit pan control = limit high of 65535
LimitHigh = ____________ DMX
PanTravel = ___________ degrees
Slope = (LimitHigh / PanTravel) * 57.3
Slope = ____________ DMX/radians
0 = 16 bit, two channels that are adjacent
1 = 8 bit, one channel
3= 14 bit, two adjacent pan channels, lower 7 bits used in each channel, like cyberlight
4= 14 bit, two adjacent pan channels, upper 7 bits used in each channel
5 = 7 bit, one channel
7 = 12 bit, 2 channels with lower 4 bits in lower channel not used
8 bit pan control = limit high of 255
14 bit pan control = limit high of 16384
16 bit pan control = limit high of 65535
LimitHigh = ____________ DMX
TiltTravel = ___________ degrees
Slope = (LimitHigh / TiltTravel) * 57.3
Slope = ____________ DMX/radians
Tilt Slope Too large/small Pan Slope Too large/small
_________ _____________ _________ _____________
_________ _____________ _________ _____________
_________ _____________ _________ _____________
_________ _____________ _________ _____________
_________ _____________ _________ _____________
Linear lead is a measure of the delay time of a light in seconds. It is equal to the time between Autopilot sending new DMX pan/tilt values and the light actually reaching that pan/tilt position. This time delay applies to the beltpack and light while they are in motion. It is important to determine linear lead before you spend time working on the iris and focus channels. Performing this section will verify that the light will ultimately work with Autopilot.
When autoiris is turned on for a light from the PC, Autopilot II will keep the spot diameter constant (via iris) independent of the performers distance from the light. If you want Autopilot to be able to control the iris channel during autoiris operation of your new light (and if there is an iris) then go to the section IRIS CHANNEL CONTROLLED. Otherwise continue below. Determining calibration parameters in this procedure for controlling iris and focus are the most difficult parts of this procedure.
Height = __________ feet
DMXsmall = __________
Diam_small = __________ feet
BeamRatioSmall = Diam_small / Height
BeamRatioSmall = ____________
DMXmiddle = __________
Diam_middle = __________ feet
BeamRatioMiddle = Diam_middle / Height
BeamRatioMiddle = ____________
DMXlarge = __________
Diam_large = __________ feet
BeamRatioLarge = Diam_large / Height
BeamRatioLarge = ____________
DMXsmall = __________ BeamRatioSmall = ____________
DMXmiddle = __________ BeamRatioMiddle = ____________
DMXlarge = __________ BeamRatioLarge = ____________
Slope = (DMXlarge - DMXsmall) / (BeamRatioLarge - BeamRatioSmall)
Slope = ____________
X_Intercept = BeamRatioSmall - (DMXsmall / Slope)
X_Intercept = _____________ - (_________ / _________)
X_Intercept = _____________
DMXsmallmiddle = ___________
Diam_smallmiddle = __________ feet
BeamRatioSmallMiddle = Diam_smallmiddle / Height = ___________
DMXlargemiddle = ___________
Diam_largemiddle = __________ feet
BeamRatioLargeMiddle = Diam_largemiddle / Height = ___________
DMXsmall = ___________ BeamRatioSmall = ___________
DMXsmallmiddle = ___________ BeamRatioSmallMiddle = ___________
DMXmiddle = ___________ BeamRatioMiddle = ___________
DMXlargemiddle = ___________ BeamRatioLargeMiddle = ___________
DMXlarge = ___________ BeamRatioLarge = ___________
For DMX_Value field enter the value of DMXsmall.
For Value field enter the value of BeamRatioSmall
If you want Autopilot to control the focus channel during autoiris operation (if there is a focus channel) then go to the section FOCUS CHANNEL CONTROLLED. Otherwise continue below.
DMXPointA = ________
Height = _________ feet.
DistPointA = ________ feet
DMXPointB = ________
DistAB = __________ feet.
DistPointB = square_root( (Height * Height) + (DistAB * DistAB) )
DistPointB = _________ feet
DMXPointC = ________
DistAC = __________ feet.
DistPointC = square_root( (Height * Height) + (DistAC * DistAC) )
DistPointC = _________ feet
DMXPointD = ________
DistPointD = _________ feet
Slope = (DMXpointD - DMXpointA) / (DistPointD - DistPointA)
Slope = ____________
X_Intercept = DistPointA - (DMXpointA / Slope)
X_Intercept = _____________ - (_________ / _________)
X_Intercept = _____________
DMXpointA = ___________ DistPointA = ___________
DMXpointB = ___________ DistPointB = ___________
DMXpointC = ___________ DistPointC = ___________
DMXpointD = ___________ DistPointD = ___________
Enter for DMX_Value the value of DMXpointA.
Enter for Value the value of DistPointA
Spot_width_A = ___________ feet
Spot_width_B = ___________ feet
Iris Slope / Width A or B larger?
_________ ________________
_________ ________________
_________ ________________
_________ ________________
New_Slope = Old_Slope * (Spot_width_A / Spot_width_B)
New_Slope = ________ * (___________ / ___________)
New_Slope = ________
If Autoiris is not working well at this point then you don't have very good options left. Here are some.
Autopilot II does not control either of these channels currently.
This concludes this Document.