In case of trouble

  1. The light does not follow the beltpack.

  2. Thelights are moving for unknown reasons.

  3. The receivers do not get any signal from the beltpacks even though the batteries are good.

  4. The receivers do not properly calibrate, or one receiver is not in the right position.

  1. The light does not follow the beltpack. First, we must make certain the system is following the belt pack. To do that take the following steps:


    1. The belpack is turned off or has a low battery. Remedy: Turn it on, or replace the battery.

    2. The beltpack ID switches are not set between 1 and 8. Make sure the Beltpack number is what you have assumed.

    3. Confirm the "receiver calibration" using the TEST > TEST RECEIVERS screen and look at the 2D view to check receiver locations to see that they are reasonably close to actual locations. Also, place a beltpack at the location used for beltpack #1 during the "receiver calibration" procedure. Click on "View Receiver and Beltpack Coordinates". The numbers for beltpack #1 should be very close to 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 (each number between -0.1 and 0.1). If not, redo the receiver calibration procedure. Otherwise, if the system is following the beltpack the we can next trouble shoot the light. Go to the next section.

    4. The light is not "assigned" to the beltpack in the Autopilot.

      Be sure the DMX level of the Autopilot control channel is appropriate for that beltpack. Go to RUN> LIGHT INFORMATION and look to see if the light is assigned to the right beltpack. If the console is not set up, then you can use the test menus to check this. Go to TEST> TEST LIGHTS and select the light and beltpack you wish to test. Then click on "Point Lights at Center Stage On/Off", this will check that the Autopilot has control of the light. If not, go to configure lights (hotlink) and make sure you have selected the correct light and operating mode in Autopilot. Also check the light for the proper switch selections.

    5. The DMX starting channel, mode or personality of the light is incorrect

      Confirm that the above is correct. Go to SYSTEM SETUP> CONFIGURE LIGHTS or RUN> LIGHT INFORMATION. Another way to do this is to take manual (lighting console) control of the light. Do this by setting the level or the beltpack control channel to 0% and confirm that you have manual pan and tilt control of the light.

      If the light is setup properly and the system tracks the beltpack, then the next problem could be the lights are not calibrated properly.

    6. The lights are not properly calibrated.

      Confirm the "light calibration" using the TEST > TEST LIGHTS screen and click on "Point lights at Center Stage On/Off". All lights should point to the same location on the stage. If not, redo the light calibration procedure.

      If the light is calibrated properly and the system tracks the beltpack, then the next problem could be zones.

    7. The beltpack is outside of the operating boundary

      Check the location of the operating boundary. Go to SYSTEM SETUP > SETUP ZONES / BOUNDARIES and inspect the location of the operating boundary. Be sure that the beltpack is in it.

    8. The beltpack is outside of the zone for that light.

      Check the location of the zone. Go to SYSTEM SETUP > SETUP ZONES / BOUNDARIES and inspect the location of the zone. Be sure that the beltpack is in it. Also, go to TEST > TEST LIGHTS and follow the belpack -- this test mode ignores boundaries and zones.

  2. The lights are moving for unknown reasons

    The possible reasons might be: Overlap of the assigned DMX channels, or beltpacks are not assigned due to console not being connected.

    1. Overlap of the assigned DMX channels. This can be confirmed by looking a the DMX map which will show any conflicts in red. If any are found, then the conflicts must be resolved by moving the offending channels.

    2. Beltpacks are not assigned due to console not being connected. If the beltpacks are assigned to lights from the console and it has not been connected, or has been disconnected, then the control channels will be at 0 and the pan and tilt channels may not be constrained and will cause movement. Look at the DMX map to see if the pan or tilt channels are changing value.

    3. Jitter in the motion of following the beltpack is sometimes caused by an inaccurate receiver calibration. Check the 2D and 3D views to see if the positions are reasonable for all receivers.

  3. The receivers do not get any signal from the beltpacks even though the batteries are good.
    1. The receivers are not connected. If the receivers have power then the LED's on the front will be illuminated.
    2. The beltpacks for Autopilot can be set from 0-9 and the current software only recognizes 1-8. Make sure that the ID switches are set between 1-8.

  4. The receivers do not properly calibrate, or one receiver is not in the right position.