Autopilot II Software and Light Models

PC Software

  Version 2.3A

Controller Firmware

  Version 2.12

Light Models

This list contains all of the current light models for the Autopilot II system. It is possible that models have been added that are not included with the software by default.

Wybron Templates
APII Model DTD APII Model Template Telemetrics Pan / Tilt
Controlite PML Controlite PML Zoom
Clay Paky
Goldenscan 3 Goldenscan HPE Stagescan
Superscan Superscan MRG Superscan Zoom Ext
CF1200 Spot CF7 HE 385 Pan CF7 HE 630 Pan
MM2500 TM1200
High End
Cyberlight Intellabeam Studio Beam PC
Studio Color Studio Color 250 Studio Spot
Studio Spot 250 Studio Spot CMY Studio Spot 575 CYM Zoom
Technobeam Trackspot X Spot Extreme
Showgun DL2 Cyberlight 2.0
MAC 250
MAC 500 MAC 600 PAL 1200
MAC 2000 MAC 2000P* MAC 2000 Wash
*Requires 2.12 controller firmware!
CS 575 EAT Mode 2 CS 1200 EAT Mode 2 CW 575 AT Mode 2
CW 1200 EAT Mode 2
Vari-Lite - Important Notes!
VL2400 VL5 VL6
VL6B Mode 5 VL7B Mode 9 VL7 Mode 7
VL24XX VL1000 VL2500
VL3500W VLX Wash